Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays"

This Monday, October 27th I got a call from my General Manager at Derse. After a few cordial "how ya doin's?" the remainder of the conversation was prefaced with "...this isn't a call I like to make."


I was then told that "corporate blah blah blah budget yadda yadda forecasting blah yadda..." Unnecessarily long corporate-speak-monologue aside, I was told that I was going to be laid off.

This is the third time I have been laid off. And, I'm actually ok with it this time, as odd as that may sound. The first two times were a real shock to me - that being said, this one was a shock, too - but now I'm going into the situation more comfortable and confident than I have on previous occasions.

We'll see where this all leads. With every lay-off there has been a better job waiting for me. I'm hoping and praying that that will be the case this time around, too. I have connections contacted, resume polished and cover letters drafted and sent.

I'll keep ya posted on the progress...

Friday, October 24, 2008

summer of biking

Hi kids, today we will be having a pop quiz composed of a single multiple choice question:

A: It has been a long time since an update
B: It has not been a long time since an update
C: This blog sucks
D: This blog certainly does not suck
E: Both A & C

Yes'm, it's been a while - so here are some pictures of my main summer activity: mountain biking.

I started off the summer with a new bike - oh the places it will go....

From 'windy saddle' along Chimney Gulch...

A few shots from White Ranch open space...

Yesterday's trip up Chimney Gulch found residual snow from a few days ago...

So, with the end of daylight savings time next weekend, our after-work rides will come to a screeching halt. Hopefully I'll be able to get some lunch-time rides up Chimney Gulch.

And if not, I'll daydream about the upcoming ski weekend.