Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays"

This Monday, October 27th I got a call from my General Manager at Derse. After a few cordial "how ya doin's?" the remainder of the conversation was prefaced with "...this isn't a call I like to make."


I was then told that "corporate blah blah blah budget yadda yadda forecasting blah yadda..." Unnecessarily long corporate-speak-monologue aside, I was told that I was going to be laid off.

This is the third time I have been laid off. And, I'm actually ok with it this time, as odd as that may sound. The first two times were a real shock to me - that being said, this one was a shock, too - but now I'm going into the situation more comfortable and confident than I have on previous occasions.

We'll see where this all leads. With every lay-off there has been a better job waiting for me. I'm hoping and praying that that will be the case this time around, too. I have connections contacted, resume polished and cover letters drafted and sent.

I'll keep ya posted on the progress...

1 comment:

Dave said...

The f-Derse shirts are in production as we speak.

Sorry dude! You'll find something better.